Monday, October 1, 2012

Gunslinger Girl Chapter 100

English Alt:


Well folks, as they say, all good things must come to an end. The story might be done but that doesn't mean the world Yu Aida created is dead and gone. It only means it is now unbound from pesky canon and free to be expanded upon in limitless ways. I never thought I would become a scanlator and this project started as a sudden and unexpected experiment for me, but I thank you kindly for being patient as I worked my way up from flailing my arms while I translated a language I had pretty much no grasp of to where I'm at now. Where is that? Well I'm not entirely sure but I learned a whole hell of a lot and had a surprising amount of fun along the way. I also have to mention all those that donated to me so I could bring it to you all every month, so it wouldn't be painfully orphaned for years as it was at one time. So thanks, and I hope that you enjoy the last chapter as much as I liked translating it. It's a doozy, to say the least.

At one time I entertained the idea of doing re-translations of earlier chapters and setting them on the newer, better scans from the volumes. Instead, I will let Seven Seas take it from here, so to speak. I encourage everyone to support the publisher that brought Gunslinger Girl back into circulation in most of the west. The first 5 omnibus volumes (Volumes 1-12) by Seven Seas are now out, with the final omnibus collection due to be released next year.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Offering Services and Shameful Begging

Since Gunslinger Girl seems to be winding down one way or the other, I'd figure I'd put out an offer to translate anything else you might want translated. Keep in mind this will probably be by a commission basis, but if you just want a short chapter or a few pages translated I could do it for free. I doubt I'll be doing another long series like this one unless it's with a bigger group, but I might consider it. If you're interested, just shoot an email to I don't have any restrictions on the content you want me to translate if it's a commission.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Gunslinger Girl Chapter 97



Saturday, May 5, 2012

Reuploads and Other Stuff

Since mediafire decided to be big 'ole meanies, I've now reuploaded the rest of the stuff to oron. It's inferior, but good enough for my purposes:

Chapters 67-76:
Chapters 77-83:
Chapters 84-89:
Chapters 90-95:

Also, I might need some help this month to get the next issue on time. Money has been pretty tight in the Entropy dwelling lately due to having to replace quite a few computer parts after my power supply malfunctioned slightly (blew the hell up).

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ichigo Mashimaro 1-2-5 2012

New set of translated Ichigo Mashimaro chapters. And that's no April Fool's.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Gunslinger Girl Chapter 94



Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gunslinger Girl Chapter 93


Friday, February 17, 2012


 Since Megaupload went down, I reuploaded the old stuff to Mediafire. Only one of the chapters is different, chapter 84, because I lost the original files I did a re-translation with the Volume 14 raws (they are much better). I have also included the two raw volumes, I am planning to re-do all the chapters with them eventually with better translations.

English Chapters 67-76:
English Chapters 77-83:
English Chapters 84-89:

Raw Volume 13:
Raw Volume 14:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Gunslinger Girl Chapter 92

English Scanlation:
