Thursday, September 1, 2011

Gunslinger Girl Chapter 88

English scanlation:



  1. I will never get tired of thanking you for the effort you make to bring us this excellent series.

  2. awesome I'd been checking the blog every day for the past week

  3. Well it seems the trend is that I'm releasing them on the 1st of the months (which was unintentional). The magazine with GSG in it comes out on the 27th of each month in Japan, I usually get it 2-3 days later then try to scan and translate them within 2-3 days. So I should have the next chapter ready at around the 1st-2nd of October, unless some other factor delays it.

  4. @Entropy
    That schedule is completely great, you don't even have to be that quick, so thank you again for the time you spend in all of this.

  5. @omoiyoshino

    Yes, you have my permission to use either my Japanese raws or my English translation for your own Chinese translation. I'm glad to be of help to any other translators out there looking to translate this great series to their native languages so that they may share it with others who speak their language.

  6. @Entropy
    I told you in the first message ever that I wrote in this blog that I use your translation in order to do a spanish version. I quite never asked for your permition as in this fanfield everybody usually helps each other so manga reaches the majority of people possible.
    Anyway, I'm glad that you think that way.

  7. So many people using their language talents for good. ^_^

  8. thank you very much for scanlating GSG every month! :)
